Maria Eliana Suarez y Suarez
Lawyer, Bolivia Specialist
Maria Eliana Suarez y Suarez is a Bolivian lawyer with ten years’ experience on wide-ranging projects at NGOs, Governmental Institutions and Private Corporations; particularly in positions that require strong coordination with the State in the fields of natural resources (oil & mining), corporate advising, sustainable development, public management and public policies in general.
Ms. Suarez y Suarez’ most notable roles include the following:
- Metallurgical Mining External Consultant: Legal management for benefit of minerals & metallurgy plants; investment of domestic capital and foreign development and mining projects; incorporation of new companies; advisor on matters of purchasing and contracts, negotiations and sales of ore, and contracts in general; labor and environmental issues among others.
- Hydrocarbon Sector Business Advisor: Experienced in procedural business acts relating to acquisitions: formation of committees, negotiations, opening envelopes and other related procurement from the development of the bidding strategy until the final approval by the Board. Advisor to Business Management concerning public consultations on issues of transparency and corruption. Interpretation of legal standards, drafting and signing of contracts.
- Legal Advisor of Presidency for upstream exploration and production of hydrocarbons throughout Bolivia, providing general legal advice to the Executive Presidency in matters of contracts of operation, contracts, corporate governance, operational Directory including statutory and regulatory aspects governing the operation of such instances; in the oil sector procurement subject to the rules governing the matter inside of society and in the Bolivian hydrocarbon legal order.
In May, 2014, the Government of Bolivia enacted the new law of mining and metallurgy, which seeks to diversify investments and promote the mining industrialization chain from exploration of new deposits.
Bolivia Specialization Areas
- Metallurgical Mining Investment Consultant
- Hydrocarbon Sector Business Advisor
- Languages
Basic French
Fluent English - Graduated from the Bolivian American Center with the title of “Proficiency in the English Language”, 1997
- 3 years of studies in the English language in the United States of America and Belgium
- TOEFL exam with a score of 106
Articulo Mineria – by Maria Eliana Suarez y Suarez
articulo mineria.pdf
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articulo mineria.pdf
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