Did You Know?

Last Call for investors who still have pending claims to arbitrate under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement

Canadian, Mexican, and United States investors considering bringing a claim under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) against a NAFTA State Party should be aware that the three-year window for notifying their claim will soon come to an end. Therefore, you must take quick action to notify your claim by March 31, 2023, to be in a position to submit your request for arbitration before July 1, 2023, the final deadline for the submission of legacy NAFTA investment claims.

US-M-CA Free Trade Agreement

Under the US-M-CA FTA, US and Mexican firms will not be able to bring forth claims against Canada, nor Canada against the USA or Mexico. The only exceptions to these claims are government-based investor claims in the following covered areas:
oil and gas; power generation; telecommunications; transportation; or

Deadline to file is March 31, 2023

For more information, email lcuevas@sillac.com